December 13, 2018
Pro Source Home Buyers

How to Find a Cash Buyer for Your Chattanooga House

Selling your house is a difficult decision to make, but once you have made it you are ready to go. If you have ruled out the decision to sell your house on your own or selling through a realtor then you are probably going to sell to a cash buyer.

So how do you go about this process? Well, the first step is finding the right cash buyer in Chattanooga that you can trust with purchasing your house. Here are some tips and ideas when looking for the perfect cash buyer.

Local websites in Chattanooga such as Craigslist

Utilizing websites like Craigslist is great because if you search “houses/apartment for rent’ you will instantly find a long list of property owners and their phone numbers.

There is a good chance that some of these property owners may know of a great cash buyer, or they may be one themselves!

Public Record

Your local records office has information about every sale in your area. Check to see how you can access this information in Chattanooga.

When houses are purchased with financing, two primary documents are recorded with the county; the deed, and the lien from the loan. With a cash sale, there will be no lien from the loan.

You can also search the public record through a local title company. They can provide you with a list of properties that have sold without a mortgage lien. This will allow you to see who bought the home with cash and show you their viability.

Courthouse Steps

Anytime a person buys on the courthouse steps, they have to purchase with cash. So if anyone is bidding on a property at the courthouse they are most likely a cash buyer. Strike a conversation with them and see if you trust them and if they would be a good fit to purchase your house.


You can always count on Google searches. Simply type in “cash buyers in Chattanooga” and you should get a list of cash buyers. Call them or check out their websites. See if any of them feel like a good fit for you. Be careful while searching for a cash buyer, and make sure they are legitimate before wasting your time

Pro Source Home Buyers in Chattanooga

Finally, Pro Source Home Buyers is a great cash buying company that you can trust. We have purchased hundreds of homes for cash. We are able to make this process as smooth as you would like. We can make you a cash offer on your home as soon as today, and we can purchase your home in seven quick days if you accept the offer.

Give us a call today 865-268-4537! We think it is important to have a good relationship with your cash buyer and trust them. We can answer any questions or concerns you have and get you headed in the right direction. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Pro Source Home Buyers

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