August 3, 2018
Pro Source Home Buyers

Sell a Damaged Rental House to Cash Buyers

Sell a Damaged Rental House to Cash Buyers

Having a rental property is a great investment; that is until your renters move out and you find your home has been trashed to oblivion. If your tenants have ruined your home, and you are fed up with being a landlord, then let us help explain some options that may help you. We know how frustrating and stressful it can be to have a damaged rental house.

Owning a rental property is an excellent investment. It is a great way to make extra income, and build your retirement. However, with every good thing, there can be ugly factors as well. If you find a great renter than you may never run into any problems with the condition of the home. However, often those who rent are more likely to treat the house poorly and have no obligation to keeping it nice. The Financial Samaria, Sam Dogan, said about the emotional toll that having renter can give you, “I make a self-assessment of where my stress comes from and how that matches up with my cash flow and assets.

I found that most of my stress comes from managing rental property, yet my rental property wasn’t my top semi-passive income earner. Therefore, it wasn’t wise to be so weighted toward a rental property.” If you find yourself left with only the walls of the house then maybe you should consider a way to sell your damaged rental property.

Determine the Damage to the Home

Identify the extent of the damage to the home.  Ask yourself these questions.

  1. Is the home going to cost more than it’s worth to fix up?
  2. How much time will the repairs take?
  3. Can you make the payments during the vacancy of the home?

Once you have considered some of these few questions, you may feel overwhelmed. Well, don’t worry you can sell your home as is, even with severe damage.

What are my selling options?

If you have come to the conclusion to sell your home, identify the different ways of selling it. There are a couple of traditional ways to sell a home.

-for sale by owner

-hire a real estate agent

Selling either of these ways can be difficult to find a buyer, especially your damaged rental property. It is possible though, you may just need to sell your home for a lot lower than you may be able to afford. Most buyers will vision a home costing a lot more in repairs than it is worth, so in order for someone to see the potential, they are going to offer you a lot less than the asking price.

Sell to a Cash Buyer (Us)

Repairs aren’t in the future, no one wants to rent my house, and I don’t have the money to fund this house with it vacant. So now what? Sell your damage rental property to us, we will take it off of your hands, and free you from this nightmare. If you have any questions of why selling to a cash buyer is the best way to go then feel free to contact us, or browse our website. We are here to talk with you and take this damaged rental property off of your hands. It is fast, easy, and painless.

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