November 7, 2018
Pro Source Home Buyers

How to Sell Your House During the Holidays

With the festive season right around the corner, you may be thinking, “how do I even sell my house when it’s the holiday season?”. Well, this might surprise you but selling your house during festivities isn’t as impossible as it sounds. People will still be willing to buy your house if you’re willing to sell it. Other sellers are most likely to go on a hiatus, which gives your house a higher chance of being scouted and sold as your competition lowers. But, of course, selling a house during this time is different to the rest of the year.

Here are a few ways you can sell your house during the holiday season.

  • Know the Facts

When home buyers stop by your property during the holidays, it’s important to have all the details prepared and ready to go. Since this is such a busy time of year, if someone is looking to buy your house there is high chance that they are extremely motivated. Before you show off the house to sell, make sure you have all the paperwork and fact checking done beforehand.

  • Decorate but Regulate

Putting up a small Christmas tree, a wreath on the door and some Christmas lights can leave an impression on your visitors. While it’s great to put in effort, going all out with every hall adorned with Christmas décor can put off potential buyers. Try to keep decorations to a minimum, but don’t completely disregard the festive atmosphere, rather make use of it to leave a lasting impression.

  • Give time for Visitors

If a potential buyer schedules a house tour when you have prior engagements, try to work your way around their schedule. Making time in between Christmas hauls allows visitors to feel your seriousness in selling the house. Some may not celebrate the same holidays as you, but they will appreciate your time and effort.  This, of course, doesn’t mean you need to drop everything you’re doing to entertain visitors, but to accept that you will be busy and your schedule will be packed.

  • Keep the Clutter Away

Often times when decorating, people tend to focus on the decorations and forget about keeping their house spacious, clean and staged. Before you even look at Christmas trees and ornaments, make sure to clear out any clutter in rooms and get rid of unnecessary furniture or décor. Try to keep everything organized and tidy up the outside of the house- if possible, just before your visitors come in. The exterior of the house is just as important in leaving an impression as the interior.

  • Make it Cozy

"Holiday season" is simply another synonym for harsh, winter winds and continuous snowfall. For most of us, it’s too cold to leave the house and look for houses, but if you make your house warm, cozy and heated, visitors can drop by amidst errands to get away from the cold. Even if it’s for a small amount of time, having your house heated and well-lit can go a long way.

Remember, if you are in a hurry to sell your home fast during this holiday season you can always give us a call or fill out the form below. We buy homes in any condition at any time of year.

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