February 21, 2019
Pro Source Home Buyers

Is "We Buy Houses" a Scam?

You have probably seen the sign “We Buy Houses” or “We Pay Cash for Houses” at an intersection in town. I am sure that when you see the sign you are questioning if this is real, or you have already determined that this can’t be anything more than a scam. Well, I will be the first to inform you that this is legit! No scam and shenanigans involved.

If you are wondering how or why people do this, then we will tell you why. We are investors that have the cash waiting to purchase people’s houses. This helps to avoid long closing processes and guarantees the sale will follow through. Our name is Pro Source Home Buyers and we are what we call the cash buyer experts.

If you are looking to sell your home and you don’t have time to go through the lengthy selling process or your home isn’t in great condition, then we are a good choice! We’ve outlined the pros and cons of the traditional ways of selling, as well as how we compare below.

For sale by owner pros

For sale by owner cons

Hiring a realtor pros

  • Marketing resources
  • Experience
  • List of potential buyers

Hiring a realtor cons

  • High fees are taken out of selling price of the home
  • They will require costly repairs/renovations
  • Lengthy process
  • Everything is done on someone else's time
  • They are in charge of negotiating the price
  • House showings

These lists of pros and cons are very short and minimal. But one thing I can assure is that the cons will always outweigh the pros. The bonus of Pro Source Home Buyers is that we will require nothing for you. These are some of the things that we help take off of your hands as the buyer.

  • No pricey repairs/renovations needed
  • Sell as is
  • No house showings
  • No realtor fees
  • Quick selling process
  • No closing time
  • Don’t wait for the right buyer, we purchase any home
  • Price is set no changing last minute
  • We have experience and are knowledgeable

Pro Source Home Buyers will purchase your home in a short 7 days. Because we have the cash, you will not have to wait for the banks to approve a stranger’s loan. We can give you a free offer and get you out of your home as soon as you are ready.

“We buy houses” at Pro Source Home Buyers is NOT a scam. We have been helping people get out of their homes and moving on to their next adventure for years. We are here to help answer any questions you may have. Give us a call today 865-268-4537 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Navigating Tax Implications of Quick Cash Home Sales

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Pro Source Home Buyers
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Pro Source Home Buyers

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